

  • Dr. Shigeru Shuji

    Date of Birth:


    4-1 Seiryo-Machi, Aobaku, Sendai,Japan. Department of Endodontics and Periodontics Tohoku University School of Dentistry

    Japan 980-85575

    Phone: 81-22-717-8336

    Fax: 81-22-717-8339

    Email: [email protected]

    Degrees: DDS,PhD

    Current Position: Assistant Professor

    Previous Positions: Lectuerer

    Society Memberships: Executive Director of Japan Endodontic Association Councilman of Japan Conservative Association Councilman of Japan Periodontic Association Councilman of Japan Laser Dentistry Association

    Previous Publications and Speaking Engagements:

    Research Papers: 45
    Book Chapters: 10
    Clinical Articles: 5
    Major Lectures: 3
    Local Lectures: 15
    Continuing Eductation Courses: 1

    Speaking Topics:

    Laser enlargement of root canal
    Clinical research on Electric Measuring Root length
    Stress on Endodontic treatment
    Ni-Ti file enlargment
    Additional topics if available
    New method of measuring of tooth movement

    Languages: English

    Web Site:

    *Please contact the speaker directly for more complete C.V. and details of topics

  • Dr. Hiroshi Horiuchi

    Date of Birth:



    Japan 981-0942

    Phone: 81222793635

    Fax: 81222793646

    Email: [email protected]

    Degrees: DDS 1962, DDSc 1966

    Current Position: Member, Science Council of Japan Professor Emeritus, Tohoku University

    Previous Positions: Professor of Endodontics and Periodontics, Tohoku University Dental School (1978-2000) Director of Tohoku University Dental Hospital (1997-2000)

    Society Memberships: Member, Science Council of Japan International Association for Dental Research Japanese Association for Dental Research Japan Endodontic Association Japanese Society of Conservative Dentistry Japanese Society of Periodontology

    Previous Publications and Speaking Engagements:

    Research Papers: 154
    Books: 1
    Book Chapters: 17
    Clinical Articles: 17
    Major Lectures: 3
    Local Lectures: 20
    Continuing Eductation Courses: 5

    Speaking Topics:

    Development and Present Status of the Electrical Method to determine Working Length of the Root Canal
    Recording of the Pulp Nerve Activity and its Application to the investigation of Dentinal Sensation
    Ammoniated Silver Treatment of infected Root Canals
    Iontophoresis in Endodontic Treatment
    Additional topics if available
    Diagnosis of the Pulp
    Management of Dental Pain
    Prevention Cross contamination in the dental office
    Dentinal Sensation

    Languages: English, Japanese

    Web Site:

    *Please contact the speaker directly for more complete C.V. and details of topics

  • Dr. Noriyasu Hosoya

    Date of Birth:


    2-1-3 Tsurumi, Tsurumi-Ku Yokohama

    Japan 2308501

    Phone: 81455811001

    Fax: 81455739599

    Email: [email protected]

    Degrees: DMD, phD

    Current Position: Assistant Professor

    Previous Positions: Visiting professor ( Northwesten University) Instructor (Tsurumi University) Clinical Instructor (Tsurumi University)

    Society Memberships: American Association of Endodontists Japan Endodontic Association The Japanese Society of Conservitive Dentistry

    Previous Publications and Speaking Engagements:

    Research Papers: 63
    Book Chapters:
    Clinical Articles: 7
    Major Lectures: 1
    Local Lectures: 3
    Continuing Eductation Courses: 5

    Speaking Topics:

    Calcium Hydroxide as an Intracanal Medicine
    Application of Thermo- graphy for Oral Examination
    Application of Calcium Phosphate Bone Substitute for Endodontic Treatments

    Languages: English, Japanese

    Web Site:

    *Please contact the speaker directly for more complete C.V. and details of topics

  • Dr. Takashi Okiji

    Date of Birth:


    General Dentistry and Clinical Education Unit Niigata University Dental Hospital 2-5274, Gakko-cho Niigata

    Japan 951-8514

    Phone: 81-25-227-0990

    Fax: 81-25-227-0991

    Email: [email protected]

    Degrees: PhD (Goteborg University)

    Current Position: Professor

    Previous Positions: Senior Lecturer, Tokyo Medical and Dental University (1999. 5-2000. 7) Research Associate Tokyo Medical and Dental University (1988. 4- 1999. 4)

    Society Memberships: International Association for Dental Research The Japanese Scociety of Conservative Dentisrty Japanese Endodontic Association Japanese Association for oral Biology

    Previous Publications and Speaking Engagements:

    Research Papers: 50
    Book Chapters: 9
    Clinical Articles: 7
    Major Lectures: 21
    Local Lectures: 11
    Continuing Eductation Courses: 1

    Speaking Topics:

    Immunobiological basis for vital pulp therapy
    Immnopathology of periapical lesions

    Languages: English, Japanese

    Web Site:

    *Please contact the speaker directly for more complete C.V. and details of topics

  • Dr. Hideaki Suda

    Date of Birth:


    Pulp Biology and endodontics Department of Restorative Sciences Graduate School, Tokyo Medical and Dental University 1-5-45 Yushima, Bunkyo-Ku

    Japan 113-8549

    Phone: 81-3-5803-5492

    Fax: 81-3-5803-0197

    Email: [email protected]

    Degrees: DDS,PhD

    Current Position: Professor, Pulp Biology and Endodontics, Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU)

    Previous Positions: 1978 Research Associate, TMDU 1981 Academic Staff, Bristol University, UK 1985 Associate Professor,TMDU, Japan

    Society Memberships: IFEA APEC FDI IAAE IADR JEA

    Previous Publications and Speaking Engagements:

    Research Papers: 128
    Books: 4
    Book Chapters: 24
    Clinical Articles: 123
    Major Lectures: 12
    Local Lectures: 78
    Continuing Eductation Courses: 26

    Speaking Topics:

    Tooth pulp Nerves
    Dentin Hypersensitivity
    Lasers in Endodontics
    Apex Locators
    Additional topics if available
    Immunology of the Tooth Pulp
    Root Canal Preperation
    Root Canal Irrigation
    Endodontic Retreatment Cases

    Languages: English, Japanese

    Web Site:

    *Please contact the speaker directly for more complete C.V. and details of topics

  • Dr. Satoshi Sugimoto

    Date of Birth:


    Sugimoto Dental Clinic 2-12 Furumachi, 2-chrome, Kashiwara Osaka

    Japan 582-0008





    Current Position: Director JEA, Professor in Endodontics Japan Postgraduate Dental Association, Director Association of Endodontics and Periodontics, Director Academy of Dental International

    Previous Positions: Lecturer Dept of Prosthodontics Japan Postgraduate Dental Association, Tokyo Lecturer in Endodontics, Postgraduate Course, Osaka Dental University, Osaka Japan

    Society Memberships: AAE Japan Postgraduate Dental Association University of Southern California Century Club Academy of Dentistry International Association of Endodontics and Periodontics JEA

    Previous Publications and Speaking Engagements:

    Research Papers: 2
    Book Chapters:
    Clinical Articles: 8
    Major Lectures: 22
    Local Lectures: 220
    Continuing Eductation Courses: 3

    Speaking Topics:

    Criterion of precision of electrical measurements by apex locators using “Sugimoto Block” (named by Steve E    Senia DDS, MS, Bs, San Antonio, USA)
    Perceivable electrical measurements for the junction of pulp and periodontal ligament
    Diagnosis for the location of root canal preparation and days required for its cure
    Diagnosis for the numbers of root canal preparation
    Additional topics if available
    Diagnosis for the cases that root canal preparation is possible using stainless steel hand file
    Diagnosis for the cases that root canal preparation is possible using NiTi hand file
    Cases that root canal preparation is possible using NiTi rotary file (K3 & LightSpeed Hybrid Technique)
    Root canal irrigation: chemically with carbamide peroxide and sodium hypochloride, physically with ultrasonic
    Root canal drying with dehydrated ethanol (over 96%)
    Root canal obturation using NiTi condenser

    Languages: English, Japanese

    Web Site:

    *Please contact the speaker directly for more complete C.V. and details of topics

  • Dr. Hiroshi Kanamura

    Date of Birth:


    Department of Endodontics, School of Dentistry, Aichi-gakuin University 2-11 Suemori-dori Chikusa-Ku Nagoya

    Japan 464-8651

    Phone: 81-759-2147

    Fax: 81-52-764-2299

    Email: [email protected]

    Degrees: DDS, PhD

    Current Position: Professor and Chairman

    Previous Positions:

    Society Memberships: AAE IADR

    Previous Publications and Speaking Engagements:

    Research Papers: 30
    Book Chapters: 15
    Clinical Articles: 5
    Major Lectures: 2
    Local Lectures: 30
    Continuing Eductation Courses: 30

    Speaking Topics:

    Bacteria isolated from infected root canal
    Mechanism on the development of periapical lesions

    Languages: Japanese, English

    Web Site:

    *Please contact the speaker directly for more complete C.V. and details of topics

  • Dr. Takashi Matsuo

    Date of Birth:


    3-18-15 Kuramoto-cho Tokushima- City

    Japan 770-8504

    Phone: 81-88-633-7339

    Fax: 81-88-633-7341

    Email: matsuoadent.dent.tokushima-u.ac.jp

    Degrees: PDS, PhD

    Current Position: Prof and Chir, Dept of Conservative Dentistry, The University of Tokushima School of Dentistry.

    Previous Positions: Associate Professor do.

    Society Memberships: American Association of Endodontists International Association for Dental Research Japan Endodontic Association The Japanese Scociety of Conservative Dentistry

    Previous Publications and Speaking Engagements:

    Research Papers: 15
    Book Chapters: 7
    Clinical Articles:
    Major Lectures: 4
    Local Lectures: 10
    Continuing Eductation Courses: 1

    Speaking Topics:

    Caries as an oral infection disease
    Pathology of Apical Periodontitis
    Diagnosis of Irreversible Pulpitis and its Pathogenesis

    Languages: Japanese, English

    Web Site:

    *Please contact the speaker directly for more complete C.V. and details of topics

  • Dr. Inoue Noboru

    Date of Birth:


    3-23-19 Daizawa Seta Gaya-ku, Tokyo

    Japan 155-0032

    Phone: 81335021034

    Fax: 81335953599


    Degrees: Ms, DDS, DDsc

    Current Position: Advisor of JEA

    Previous Positions: Director of JEA, Vice President of JEA, Auditor of JEA, Standing Director of ICD Japan section

    Society Memberships: JOA, JEA, AAE, ICD

    Previous Publications and Speaking Engagements:

    Research Papers: 4
    Book Chapters: 2
    Clinical Articles: 29
    Major Lectures: 4
    Local Lectures: 24
    Continuing Eductation Courses:

    Speaking Topics:

    Audio metric method for determining the lengths of root canal
    The accurate measurement of root canal length
    Clinical evaluation of Audiometric Control root canal treatment
    Biological healing of the apical pathosis
    Additional Topics if Available
    Latero-vertical condensation method
    Long-term folllow up observation 10yrs-30yrs

    Languages: Japanese, English

    Web Site:

    *Please contact the speaker directly for more complete C.V. and details of topics

  • Dr. Yoshiro Shoji

    Date of Birth:


    1-18-1 Ueno Taitou-Ku Tokyo

    Japan 110-0005

    Phone: 81-3-3836-0118

    Fax: 81-3-3836-0119

    Email: [email protected]

    Degrees: DDS and DD Sc

    Current Position: Vice-President of the Japan Society of Dental Equipments and Gadget, Moderator of the Dental System Insitute, Lecture of Nihon University, School of Dentistry, Lecture of Showa University, School of Dentistry,Lecture of Meikai University School of Dentistry, Clinical visiting Professor of Taiepi Medical University

    Previous Positions: Lecturer of Tohhoku University, School of Dentistry Committee of Dental Instrument and Material of Japanese Dental Association.

    Society Memberships: The Japan Endodontic Association The Japanese Scociety of Conservative Dentistry The Japanese Academy of Implantology The American Association of Endodontists The American Academy of Periodontology The International Congress of Oral Imlantologists (ICOI)

    Previous Publications and Speaking Engagements:

    Research Papers: 15
    Books: 5
    Book Chapters: 4
    Clinical Articles: 53
    Major Lectures: 8
    Local Lectures: 150
    Continuing Eductation Courses: 250

    Speaking Topics:

    Binary System in Endodontics
    Interrelation of crown Landmarks and Access Cavity
    Safty and Speedy System of Canal Preperation

    Languages: Japanese, English

    Web Site:

    *Please contact the speaker directly for more complete C.V. and details of topics

  • Dr. Yasuhisa Tsujimoto

    Date of Birth:


    Dept of Endodontics Nikon University School of Dentistry at Matsudo 870-1, Sakaecho, Nishi-2, Matsudo Chiba

    Japan 271-7587

    Phone: 81 47 360 9371

    Fax: 81 47 360 9370

    Email: [email protected]

    Degrees: DDS, PhD

    Current Position: Assistant Professor

    Previous Positions: Instructor

    Society Memberships: AAE JEA JADR AADR

    Previous Publications and Speaking Engagements:

    Research Papers: 55
    Book Chapters: 2
    Clinical Articles: 10
    Major Lectures: 3
    Local Lectures: 10
    Continuing Eductation Courses: 2

    Speaking Topics:

    Free radicals in Endodontic Therapy
    Tooth Bleaching mechanisms
    Casing using MTA
    How to do irrigation

    Languages: Japanses, English

    Web Site:

    *Please contact the speaker directly for more complete C.V. and details of topics

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